Saturday, February 9, 2008

"Passionate Housewives Desperate for God"

This book has really rocked my boat this week...for the good! It was an answer to many of my prayers. At times I struggle with a lot of lies that are out there regarding women's roles in the home...and this book combats those lies with the word of God. It has renewed my vision and given me good perspective. I'm so grateful to the Lord! The two authors know the culture we live in very well, and this is not one of those typical books that just coddle women. I definately encourage you moms to read it. You can order it from .


Anonymous said...

This is the book I was telling you about when we visited. I sure wish I had this kind of knowledge when I was a new mom. There is still a lot I gleaned from this book even though my children are older. I was thinking this would be a good shower gifts. What do think?

BJ said...

I had the same idea regarding baby shower gifts! I'm grateful that I've read this book when my kids are still young, but I also think of how much pain I would have been spared if I had it at the time my firstborn was born.