Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Seder Prep

This Saturday Ben and I are hosting a Seder (Passover) Meal. We decided to start off small this year (but I'm not sure how small 26 people are!), with the intent of doing it church wide next year. So this year is kinda of our practice run. I'll let you know how it goes. Yesterday I made these matzo covers...very Jewish looking don't you think?

I got the idea from Martha Stewart's website to add trim to men's hankies.

The Passover festival celebrates the sequence of events that led to the Israelites' freedom from slavery. While thoroughly based in those historical events, the celebration encompasses much more as it become's a vehicle to celebrate the very nature of God and His gracious work in the world through our Saviour Christ Jesus! This Passover is a remembrance of God's new work of deliverance in Christ; thus as the New Israel, we Christians have every reason to celebrate and rejoice!

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